Our Letter To You…


This is probably the most important letter we've ever written and will ever write in our lives.  We cannot presume to know your innermost feelings but we certainly know our own.

Very simply, we have hopes and dreams for ourselves and wish to carry them forward to our children just as our families did for us.  We are committed to each other, loyal to our friends and work hard to give back to the world around us. We have a nice home in a lovely, family-oriented community our families live near us and our friends have become our village. We are happy and loving and want to share all of this with a child. We know we can give a child a life of love and security.

Our greatest hope for you in choosing us would be that when you close your eyes at night, you will find comfort in knowing we will do the best that we can possibly do for your child.

We promise to provide a beautiful life for your baby. We promise to provide your child with unconditional love and kindness. We will protect, nurture and strengthen your child. We will provide your child with a safe, protective and fiercely devoted home.

We hope to hear from you and hope to have the chance to get to know you.


Nicole & Mark