Our friends & family mean the world to us…

Our friends and family mean the world to us. We are fortunate to have close friends from high school, college, and graduate school, work and most recently, we have made some wonderful friends through the upper west side dog community. At the height of Covid in NYC when it was difficult to socialize comfortably indoors, we spent countless hours outside in Riverside Park meeting other new dog owners. 

We love spending time with friends and family, whether it is going out for meals, seeing live theater, hosting or being hosted for holidays and get-togethers, taking our dog Sheldon on adventures all over the city or going to baseball games in the summer. We have done some traveling with friends in upstate NY, day trips to various beaches and spending time with our friends and their kids in many settings. We admire our friends– they are a special group, unique in their fields and each filled with a deep kindness. 

We are both extremely close to our families, including our parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins near and far. We treasure our relationships with all of them. We see, talk to, text and email regularly. We spend holidays together, go to Mets games many times per season and we see each other often.  We have 8 nieces and nephews and have been so excite to watch them grow from babies to young teenagers.  Our love for them is fierce!  Hosting our first Thanksgiving dinner for this growing family has been a dream come true. As our family grows, it is a tradition we will look forward to every year.

“Nicole and Mark  embrace a life of love, laughter and sharing.  They have a heartfelt desire to love and selflessly give their child all that they can to create a loving, secure and happy home, just as they both had growing up. They are deserving of a child and a child most certainly deserves parents like Nicole and Mark.”

— Our friend Eva

Photos of our friends and families